Monday, February 4, 2019

Creating a Positive Relationship with Technology:

As parents we need to set the standard regarding technology use. If we want our kids to develop a healthy online/offline balance, they need to see us as parents doing the same. 

How to create a positive relationship with Technology: 

  • Sets boundaries regarding Technology use
    • Set screen-time limits, downtime and screen-free times for yourself. This could include screen-free meals, screen-free zones in the house (like the bedroom or dinning room), and downtime (like before bed). I also like to include app limits (like on social media apps) so that I'm reminded when I've hit a certain time. Since I do need to use social media for blogging and growing my page by setting app limits I'm more purposeful when I am using the app and don't get sucked into the mindless searching or scrolling that sometimes occurs on these apps. This could also mean restricting device-use in bedrooms so that everyone can get a better nights sleep.
  • Sets tech-positive environment 
    • How do you look at technology? Is it a tool to make your life easier? Creating a tech-positive environment is about how you react and look at technology. If we can demonstrate that there our times for technology use and times (like family time or meal time) where we unplug we can help create a balance. Try not to judge what your child might be interested in. Certain apps, games and YouTube videos may seem odd to you but try and ask why your child is interested in them. Using curiosity instead of judgement will help foster a tech-positive environment and open communication. Creating a Family Media Plan and following it as a family will also help create a tech-positive environment. 
  • Models acceptable and respectful online activities 
    • When online we as parents should use positive language and show our kids positive social interactions. We can also demonstrate consent by asking our kids permission before posting images or videos of them. If we can model acceptable online behavior our kids will follow suit. 

Please follow us @TeachingDigitalLiteracy on Instagram for weekly quotes, inspiration and helpful information about technology. 

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